Pentair Connected Pool App
Project Scope: Product Design
My Role: Experience Design Lead
Pentair Pools, a leading manufacturer of pool and spa equipment, approached Intrepid looking for a partner to help concept and build a compelling mobile experience for their consumer-facing pool app. While in the past users needed to manage the variable speed pumps manually, Pentair sought to build a connect experience where the user could control the pump from their mobile device instead. They were looking for an experience which shielded pool owners from the complicated hardware, and instead introduced them to a more streamlined and intuitive mobile interface. At the same time, they wished to create a lifestyle experience that was more compelling to use their than a simple “remote control” iOT app.
In order to achieve our goal, we built our concept with the following considerations in mind:
First and foremost, we needed to consider the types of people who want a gadget like this, and what level of tech are they comfortable with.
Use Frequency
How often does a user want or need to clean their pool? Do they want to do this manually, or would they prefer a preset automated schedule?
From Amazon Echo, Apple Watch, to IFTTT recipes - what existing tools could we leverage to make this tool even smarter and more convenient for pool owners?
Branded Alerts
What elements of Pentair’s existing brand could be leveraged to make alerts fun and insightful as opposed to just being pushy?
Energy Efficiency
How valuable would it be to provide the user any feedback on how efficient their system is in comparison to others in their area?
We designed a lifestyle IoT app that allowed the user to control their connected pool pumps remotely, while also offering smart insights and recommendations designed to help them maintain the usability of their pool. The app factors in weather and atmospheric influences in order to make proactive suggestions to help the user keep their pool clean while keeping their energy low.